Accepted Papers

The accepted papers list will be updated soon! Notification deadline: April 28, 2019.

Technology Trends

Architecture for Demand Prediction for Production Optimization: A Case Study
Administration and management platform of electricity consumption for home appliances based on IoT
State of the art determination of risk management in the implantation process of computing systems
Acquiring, Monitoring, and Recording Data based on the Industrie 4.0 Standard Geared Toward The Maca Drying Process
Design and Tests to Implement Hyperconvergence into a DataCenter : Preliminary Results
Design and implementation of a architecture for electronic billing through web services and mobile devices
Migration of monolithic applications towards microservices under the vision of the Information Hiding principle: A Systematic Mapping Study
Agricultural Information Management: A Case Study in Corn Crops in Ecuador
Temporal Analysis of 911 Emergency Calls Through Time Series Modeling
Automation of the municipal inspection process in Ecuador applying Mobile-D for Android


Low-Cost embedded system for shop floor communications and control based on OPC-UA
Dynamics of a unicycle-type wheeled mobile manipulator robot
Development of a simulator with two degrees of free-dom of the direction system of Massey-Ferguson’s 3640 agricultural tractors
Diagnosis of incipient faults in induction motors using MCSA and thermal analysis
Prototype of application and keyboard for writing using the Braille System on a computer
Sliding Mode Controller Applied to a Synchronous DC/DC Power Converter
Automation of the feeding system for washing vehicles using low cost devices
Test system for control algorithms on a DC motor
Forecasting Building Electric Consumption Patterns through Statistical Methods
Dynamic State Estimation of a Synchronous Machine Applying the Extended Kalman Filter Technique
Automation of a Universal Testing Machine for Measuring Mechanical Properties in Textile Fibers

Intelligent Systems

Design and Proposal of a Database for Firearms Detection
Vitiligo detection using Cepstral Coefficients
Formal Representation of Feeling of Familiarity as a Metacognitive Judgement in Metacognitive Architecture CARINA
Path Planning for Mobile Robot based on Cubic Bézier Curve and Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization (A2PSO)
Knowledge Semantic Representation of an Algorithm Knowledge Profile in Metacognitive Architecture CARINA
ANN-based Model for Simple Grammatical Cases Teaching in Spanish Language
Improved ITU Model for Rainfall Attenuation Prediction of in Terrestrial Links
Novel Lee Model for Prediction of Propagation Path Loss in Digital Terrestrial Television Systems in Montevideo City, Uruguay

Machine Vision

An approach of a control system for autonomous driving based on artificial vision techniques and NAO robot
Proposal for a support tool for the study of corneal biomechanics and its influence in the human eye
Proposal for a tool for the calculation of toric intraocular lens using multivariate regression
Accessible eHealth system for heart rate estimation
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test by using Natural User Interface
A MATLAB-based Tool for 3D Reconstruction Technologies for Indoor and Outdoor Environments
Measuring surfaces in orthophotos based in color segmentation using k-means
Biomechanics of Soft Tissues: The Role of the Mathematical Model on Material Behavior
Image segmentation techniques application for the diagnosis of dental caries


RFID and Wireless Based System for Restaurant Industry
Design and Implementation of a Panic Alert System to Notify Theft Events


Trusted Phishing: a model to teach computersecurity through the theft of cookies


Towards an improvement of interpersonal relationships in children with Autism using a Serious Game
Learning Style Identification by CHAEA Junior Questionnaire and Artificial Neural Network Method: A Case Study
Development of a Social Robot NAR toeducation of children


Organizational Effectiveness and Tools of eCollaboration Antecedents: An Empirical Exam in Ecuador´s Automotive Sector
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