
Domain-Specific Language using the Jetbrains MetaProgramming System – Software Engineering

Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are computer programming languages of limited expressiveness, focused on a particular domain. Being able to create your own DSL is a valuable tool to have in your software engineering toolbox. From using configuration languages in your own project, and from building your internal company languages, to empowering your business users with expressive languages, DSLs are oftentimes the solution. Traditionally, the creation of a DSL was a time-consuming endeavor. Fortunately, their development has been eased with the introduction of specialized environments called language workbenches. The language workbenches ease the development of DSLs by offering meta-languages to implement the different language aspects, such as editor, code generation, constraints, type system, and so on. We will touch upon the creation of all these different meta-language aspects, and we will do so in a modern language workbench, called the Jetbrains MetaProgramming System

Ana Maria Sutii
She currently applies her knowledge on DSLs at the ING Bank in the Netherlands, where they build DSLs for the financial domain. Her study journey reflects her interest in and around DSLs. From 2007 to 2011, she followed the courses in Computer Science at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania. Her bachelor thesis was on reporting experiences with providing static single assignment form to an open source Java virtual machine implementation, Jato. After that, from 2011 to 2013, she did her master’s in the group of Mark van den Brand, software engineering, and technology, at the Technical University of Eindhoven. There, she looked at modularity in programming language grammars, and, more specifically, at modularity in GLL grammars. She then did her Ph.D. in the same group, from 2013 to 2017, under the supervision of Tom Verhoeff and Mark van den Brand. The topic of her Ph.D. was on modularization of both models and metamodels as defined in domain-specific languages (DSLs). As can be partly inferred from her studies, her interests mainly lie in DSLs, modularity, language workbenches, IDEs and model transformations.

Routing Protocols for Multi-vendor IP networks

Routing protocols used in IP networks constitute the fundamental mechanism that exists to transport information between two or more nodes through a telecommunications network. Nowadays, OSPF is the routing protocol chosen by most of the ISPs due to its advantages that include: fast convergence, security, support IPv4 and IPV6 addressing, scalability, among others. Modern telecommunications internetworks are designed with multi-vendor devices, such as CISCO, HUAWEI, NOKIA, JUNIPER, HPE, BROCADE, MIKROTIK, etc. This wide variety of manufacturers of Networking equipment makes almost impossible to implement internetworking laboratories with real devices to validate the design of a specific network. Fortunately, there are operating system emulation platforms that help Network Engineers verify the proper functioning of a proposed network design. Of these, GNS3 is the most widely used emulation platform among academics and researchers.

Alberto Arellano Aucancela
He is currently a professor in the Telecommunications and Networks area in the Informatics & Electronics Faculty at Polytechnic University of Chimborazo (ESPOCH). He is an Electronics and Computing Engineer and got a master’s degree in Applied Computing in 2008. He is a certified instructor of CISCO CCNA, CCNP, and CCSP courses. Over the past 20 years, he has combined his experience and training in the internetworking area. In 2014, he was a career´s coordinator and vice-dean of Informatics & Electronics Faculty (2015-2016). His areas of interest are Telecommunications Networks, Routing protocols, MPLS, IP Multicast, and SDN.

Diego Avila-Pesantez
He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Polytechnic University of Chimborazo (espoch.edu.ec) in Ecuador. He was born in Cuenca, Ecuador in 1971. He received his B.S. in Computer Science from Catholic University of Cuenca (1995). He held his master’s in Internetworking from University of Chile (2002), and master’s in Applied Informatics from Polytechnic University of Chimborazo (2004), From 1999 to 2000, he was the coordinator of the Computer Science school at ESPOCH. After that, he co-founded the CISCO-ESPOCH training academic, an innovative sequence of courses teaching about networking, where he got a CCNA and CCIA certifications. He also designed and coordinated a postgraduate program in Internetworking, which was implemented at ESPOCH for 8 years. He has guided research in Network Security, multi-vendor Internetworking, and networking protocols. He is currently a Ph.D. (c) at San Marcos National University. He did a research internship in the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) and State University of North Fluminense (Brazil). His primary research areas include Computer Networks, Wireless Sensor Network, and Security Network.

Leticia Vaca-Cárdenas
She is with the Informatics and Electronic Faculty of the Polytechnic University of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), Riobamba-Ecuador. She has developed his professional activity working in both in her private business after finished the university and in the public education in different levels for about 15 years in Ecuador. She obtained a Ph.D. in Science and Technology of the Complex Systems from the University of Calabria, Italy in February 2017, during her doctoral studies, she was part of the Evolutionary Systems Group a multidisciplinary research team; she also did a period as a Scholar visitor in the Kansas State University of USA. She has a master’s degree in university teaching and educational research. She has a higher education diploma in new information and communication technologies (ICTs), she is a Systems Engineer, and her research interests are focused on the following topics: Computer Networks, ICTs, E-learning Systems, and Internet of Things (IoT). Currently, she is faculty and researcher at the ESPOCH in Riobamba city.

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Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE), Ecuador
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Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Ecuador
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Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Ecuador
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